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From seasonal discounts to the best premium experiences, check back for regularly changing offers for every city and every adventure. 

Two girls having coffee in rotterdam hotel room

Unlock the unUsual.

From September 1st

Not sure about your plans after summer? We've got you covered! Deals on refundable rates can be rare, but we like to do things differently. Book our "Unlock the Unusual" and get 25% off your refundable stays from September 2024 onward.

Breakfast bag with healthy low waste options

The Breakfast in Bed.

Available at The Usual Brussels

Indulge in breakfast in bed after a good night's sleep on comfy pillows and a clear conscience.

Thoughtfully delivered to your door, The Breakfast Bag includes a pastry, yoghurt & granola, and a piece of fresh fruit. Book now using code BREAKFAST for this limited-time package deal.

The Early Booker.

It pays to plan ahead! Book at least six months in advance for our Early Bird 15% discount on stays until the end of 2025.

Use code EARLY25 to save on non-refundable bookings six months or more in advance.

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